MetaMask Help Center

MetaMask, a web browser extension and mobile app that lets you manage your Ethereum private keys and interact with dapps. Find out how

MetaMask is a popular cryptocurrency wallet and gateway to blockchain apps, widely used for interacting with decentralized applications (dApps) on the Ethereum blockchain. The MetaMask extension provides users with a secure and user-friendly way to manage their digital assets and explore the decentralized web. Here's a comprehensive guide to getting started with MetaMask.

1. What is MetaMask?

MetaMask is a browser extension and mobile app that serves as a cryptocurrency wallet and a bridge to the decentralized web. It allows users to manage Ethereum-based assets and interact with smart contracts and dApps. The extension is available for popular browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Brave, and Edge.

2. Installing MetaMask

To start using MetaMask, you need to install the extension on your preferred browser:

  1. Visit the MetaMask website: Go to the official MetaMask website ( and click on the download button.

  2. Choose your browser: Select the appropriate browser extension and follow the prompts to install it.

  3. Add to browser: Click "Add to [Your Browser]" and confirm the installation.

3. Setting Up Your Wallet

Once installed, setting up your MetaMask wallet is straightforward:

  1. Open MetaMask: Click on the MetaMask icon in your browser toolbar to open the extension.

  2. Get started: Click "Get Started" to begin the setup process.

  3. Create a new wallet: Choose "Create a Wallet" if you are new to MetaMask. If you already have a wallet, select "Import Wallet" and enter your recovery phrase.

  4. Agree to terms: Agree to MetaMask’s terms of use and optionally agree to their data collection (you can skip this).

  5. Create a strong password: Set a secure password for your wallet. This password will be used to access MetaMask on your device.

  6. Backup your seed phrase: MetaMask will generate a 12-word recovery phrase. Write this down and store it securely. This phrase is crucial for recovering your wallet if you forget your password or lose access to your device.

4. Adding Funds to MetaMask

To start using MetaMask, you need to add funds to your wallet:

  1. Receive Ether (ETH): Click on "Buy" to see the various options for purchasing ETH, or click "Receive" to get your wallet address. You can use this address to receive ETH from another wallet or exchange.

  2. Transfer funds: Transfer ETH from an exchange or another wallet to your MetaMask wallet address. Ensure you double-check the address to avoid any loss of funds.

5. Interacting with dApps

MetaMask allows seamless interaction with dApps. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Connect to a dApp: When you visit a dApp website, it will typically have a “Connect Wallet” button. Click this button and select MetaMask from the list of wallets.

  2. Authorize connection: MetaMask will prompt you to authorize the connection. Confirm to allow the dApp to interact with your wallet.

  3. Start using the dApp: Once connected, you can use the dApp’s features, such as trading tokens, participating in DeFi protocols, or playing blockchain games.

6. Managing Your Assets

MetaMask provides a simple interface to manage your digital assets:

  1. View balances: The main screen displays your ETH balance and any other ERC-20 tokens you hold.

  2. Add custom tokens: If you hold tokens that do not automatically appear, you can add them manually by clicking “Add Token” and entering the token’s contract address.

  3. Send transactions: To send ETH or tokens, click “Send,” enter the recipient’s address, amount,

Last updated